Monthly Archives: March 2012

Screening of “Undefeated”


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There will be a screening of the film “Undefeated,” winner of the 2012 Oscar for Best Documentary and directed by RHS alumnus TJ Martin, at Roosevelt HS on Monday evening, April 2.

See the flyer above for details. Ticket information will be announced this week.

RoboRiders – Saturday competition

This week, the RHS Robotics Team (The “RoboRiders”) will proudly make their rookie appearance at the Seattle Cascade Regional finals of the FIRST Robotics Competition. FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) — — is an international program with the mission to

inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering and technology skills, that inspire innovation, and that foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.

This organization, with recognition from everyone from President Obama to, sponsors robotics competitions for kids from ages 6-18 in what its founder Dean Kamen calls the “Olympics of the Mind.” Using the model of sports in popular culture, Dean wants to “transform our culture by creating a world where science and technology are celebrated and where young people dream of becoming science and technology leaders.” Winners qualify for about $14 million in available college scholarships.

Our RoughRider roboticists have been doing wonderful work the past two months on this project. Their robot is designed to play basketball, gathering and shooting foam balls on a special court, in competition and cooperation with 95 other robot teams. Robots, designed and built by the students, are motorized and controlled remotely by custom hardware and software. It’s pretty amazing engineering stuff, all things considered.

Coaches Davidson, Ruff, and Judson Miller would like to invite you all to come see the competition. It’s free, open to the public, and hugely exciting and energetic. The team would love to have your support there, at the CenturyLink (formerly Qwest) Event CenterSaturday morning from 9-12 is the best time to see the action.

Hope to see you there!

Google CS Summer Institute

Attention, seniors interested in studying computer science !!

Google has created the Computer Science Summer Institute (CSSI) for high school seniors interested in pursuing computer science and planning to attend a university in the US or Canada.

This program selects up to 60 aspiring computer scientists to attend one of the all-expenses-paid CSSI sessions at either Google’s headquarters in Mountain View, California or Google’s office in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Here is the deal:

This special institute will include an interactive and collaborative CS curriculum, as well as a unique residential experience in which students can build a network with other attendees. They will meet alumni from their schools and other Google engineers while immersing themselves in daily life at Google. Students will also enjoy technical talks by Googlers, lectures by guests from across the technology industry, and local area social activities.

Would you like to benefit from the technical curriculum and the networking opportunities of the CSSI? We are looking for students eager to spend a few weeks living the Google life – tackling interesting technical problems, working collaboratively and having fun. We want students to leave empowered, heading into their first year of college armed with a unique learning experience that can only be had at Google.

Application deadline: Friday, April 20, 2012 11:59 p.m. PST.

More information:

Sounds like a great opportunity!

Spring Spirit Week

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This week is Spring Spirit Week at Roosevelt, with an assembly on Friday and Tolot that night.

Here are the Spirit Day themes, based on “Missed Award Show Nominees:”

  • Monday: 80’s (Breakfast Club)
  • Tuesday: Twin Day (Parent Trap)
  • Wednesday: Jersey Shore (school appropriate!)
  • Thursday: Backwards Day (Back to the Future)
  • Friday: Green & Gold

Pi Day

PI Day Memorization Contest!

Think you are the π knowingest person in the school? Come prove it Thursday, 3/15 – in Room 335 during lunch. Prizes and glory to the winner!